It seems everything has some kind of regulation to restrict it's use.
Reminds me of the old Five Man Electrical Band song "Signs". In order to do what you want with what you own you have to comply with the laws and the regulations as the result of the laws. The land we are building on is unrestricted and there is no zoning but to build a house we have to involve the county building department and the statewide building code is enforced. We could pitch a tent and live there, it would be legal from the building departments standpoint but the health department would have a problem with waste disposal. You need water so we could collect water from run off or get it from a stream both which are illegal according to the EPA at which point the health department becomes involved because the purity of the illegal water is now in question. By building a tiny house on a utility trailer we are outside of the purview of the building department, the septic system is in and the well will be drilled in a few weeks so we have eliminated the EPA and the health department but we do fall squarely into DOT regulations and there is no getting around that.
The simplest thing I can think of is a kids lemonade stand but that has to be FDA approved and a vendors permit paid which brings in the local health department. Even the simplest of things are restricted by back door regulations. Pay checks are almost non existent, no one pays with cash, no federal agencies issue checks - direct deposit - which gives some one access to your bank account. Are we formulating a conspiracy theory here ? All I am saying is think about it. Little pieces one at a time is how a puzzle is put together, how much of the puzzle has to be put together for you figure out the end result.