Sunday, January 13, 2013

Comments on Comments

Getting to the comments.

Now that we are all on the same page, I’d like to comment on the comments.  How can we stop these politicians from doing all this stupid stuff?  We can’t.  With over 50% of the population wanting exactly what these politicians are pushing, it won’t stop.  Only when the low information people (the stupid), the people on public assistance and the people who believe in the redistribution of wealth find out that these political philosophies aren’t what they thought they were and have to start dealing with the economic realities, then it’ll stop, or not, depending on how far down that road we have gone.  There’s no such thing as a democracy in real life, there’s only the definition of democracy, it has never really happened.  In our country, after the signing of the declaration of independence, we were a federalist nation created by the articles of confederation.  We traveled that path, with weak central government and loose confederations with the state’s.  Over time we developed a stronger central government and with the advent of the election of FDR we officially became a democratic socialist nation, with a stronger central government seeking to establish socialism using the democratic process.  This process ebbed and flowed over time depending on the political persuasion of our elected representatives.  When democrats influenced the political system democratic socialism thrived, when republicans influenced the system it slowed down a bit and so it goes until 2008.  Since then the socialists nature of our nation has really been cooking because Obamas philosophies are pure Marxist and our populas likes it.  Next time you’re in the grocery store, standing in the checkout line, take a look around at how many people are watching what you take out of your cart.  It’s greed, we all have it to one degree or another.  Which leads me into the next comment, what’s the motive?  Man’s entire existence has been dominated by fear and greed.  Our country has come a long way in 200 years, once the fear of starving to death has subsided greed kicks in big time.  Politicians have figured a way to convert their greed into power and they’re addicted to it and will do anything to keep it.  A good liar will season his lies with the salt of truth and the pepper of fear, the best liar has the most power.

Politicians are not the only ones that are good liars.  Business people are pretty good at it and so are academics.  That’s not to say that they all are, it just depends on how greedy they are.  This brings me to the next comment-economist.  I have a little bit of a background in economics’ and I can tell you that a lot of economic theories that are floated as facts are contrived at best.  The reason that this subject comes up is because we are in the midst of probably the biggest economic disaster this country has ever seen.  All perpetrated by some of the biggest liars on the face of the planet.  Case in point-Keynes’ consumption function, a formula to measure economic consumption. The calculation is full of numbers and letters assigning variables with subscrits and footnotes to extract real numbers from other things that may or may not exist, I had to learn this consumption function. Being pretty simple minded, I had to break it down to it’s simplest terms (like manipulating fractions) to be able to comprehend what was going on in this way complicated formula – I don’t remember the formula but I do remember my simple version because it is way more accurate – total consumption is equal to spending on necessities(food,clothing,shelter) plus spending on non essentials as a function of disposable income – duh. If you think this is a really stupid thing to talk about think about this – the manipulation of our entire economy is done by people who subscribe to the principals of Keynesian Economics. If you want to look smart and important, to grab the gold ring of power and influence, make things so complicated that no one can understand it. The basis of law is a complicated language no one understands, mathematics – calculations to support other sciences, physics - applying math to common sense so it makes no sense……Obamacare is pretty simple to understand,nationalized health insurance that will result in lower standards of health care, increased costs that we will all pay dearly for, that covers everything except our health. So why does it take 2400 pages of legalese(and counting) to administer? You think it may have something to do with making it so complicated no one can understand it. Ofcourse complication leads to misinterpretation – oh, we are in for a bumpy ride!


  1. The total of my understanding of your post is that those who wish to control make things so complicated as to eliminate understanding by the masses; therefore the masses follow like sheep thinking those complicated formulas must come from intelligent people who know far better than they how things should be for the benefit of all.

    AND THAT, MY FRIEND, IS THE WEB THEY WEAVE to get and maintain power over the majority -- at least for now, or perhaps from now on.

    If you ask me, and you did not, it all feeds into the baser desires of man -- an intended plan of the master of deception, pride and greed, Satan himself. I personally feel therein lies the power behind all this aided by the willing deception of the majority because they are getting what they WANT -- 'need' being somewhat irrelevant.

    And that's the end of my blog response to your blog.

    What in the world has happened with your building project????

  2. It's sobering to realize how far this Nation has strayed. Can the majority really desire entitlements rather than prosperity through hard work, soft tyranny rather than Liberty? I suppose the last election answers that question.

    I guess I'll just cast a vote for myself and invest my time, energy and expertise in assets that are harder to confiscate or inflate away.


    this message was not sent from an obama phone…
