Saturday, June 18, 2011

Electricity ?

I have been having some difficulty getting the power company to show up at the property in La Paz to set a transformer for our electrical service.This isn't a matter of some gingo wanting power; I am using a former electric company executive to get this done. It has been three months since the request was made. The other day I was talking to the guy who owns the local video store and you guessed it, he has a cousin ........ How many times have I been down this road? The very next day I got a phone call from the power company to set up an appointment for the engineer to come out. I don't know who this guy knows but this is one of those rare times when somebody really does know somebody.

No pictures this week - forgot the camera. Didn't get much done anyway. I had to rewire the generator to take the full 30 amp load from the welder, which I had to modify so the shunt would have a farther travel - at this point I am maxing both out to get a minimal welding heat, but it works okay.

I'm getting a flow rate of about 120 gallons per hour across the driveway, coming right out of the side of the mountain. The water seems to be of better quality than the water that comes across the property from the reservoir at 100 gallons per minute. I may need to think about setting up a gravity feed system from the driveway to a storage tank - I need the contact time for chlorine anyway.

Next Wednesday or Thursday I should have a report on the arguments I will have with the power company engineer and the cost to get a user ready electric service.

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