Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All signs point to........me.

Every now and then I prove how inept I can be. My last post was one of those times, when I tried to use two different microphones on an audio clip. I read about how to do this using an embedded computer program to adjust the 2 different feeds into one file. My thought process ( if you can call it that ) was that if I stripped the wires back on both microphones, bugged them together into one USB connector it would be like one microphone - you know a parallel connection. Well Barb talked me out of that idea because the one headset with microphone I use was really expensive and if I wanted to ruin something I should get a cheaper headset. Now with a cheaper headset I could use both headsets with microphones, plug them into different USB ports and use the computer program to adjust the levels and away we go. It really looked good on the voice level monitors in the program and I adjusted and adjusted and adjusted until the play back sounded pretty good on the headset I was using. The results of all that monkeying around were terrible when I posted the audio file. I have since tried my idea using a USB expansion plug ( essentially a parallel connection ) and the program still splits the signals and the quality really sucks.

I really think getting Barbs opinion on these posts from a first person stand point is a good idea, after all a man is only as good as the woman who stands with him and I've got a really good one. As long as she is willing to do this I will try other things to get this to work. This latest post is with a shared microphone and there is about 2 minutes of video on chicken waters at the beginning. You can check it out by clicking on this link http://youtu.be/6F-nPP_G2fs

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