Friday, May 9, 2014

I've been thinking lately.

I know this is an unusual condition for me - to be thinking but never-the-less I have been know to do it once in a while. The thought process was about how much easier it is to figure stuff out when Barb helps. I always ask for her opinion but after I think I have it figured out. We are polar opposites as far as life experiences are concerned but surprisingly synonymous on life issues. Barb carries complete dominance of her life experiences as I do mine but because we are both headed in the same direction we get along - a lot better than most. The reason that a person who by all rights should be a staunch liberal and a person who should be a stalwart conservative can occupy the same space at the same time is because neither one of us has the inflexibility of ideology. Ideology is the ignorance of society.

Ray started this post but has gone out to check on the chickens and I've noticed he is way over his head on the direction of this post so I'll see if he notices the following.

We started making audios together to reflect what goes on in our discussions.  We have differing views on many topics and our conversations involve a back-and-forth exchange of ideas.  What you hear on the audios is not a reflection of our everyday conversations, because we are aware that we are recording and stay on-topic.  I assure you that this doesn't happen in real life. The audios do reflect the give-and-take that goes on when we talk.

Ray and I are different, as different, as my Gramps would have said, as chalk and cheese.  We share some traits,  Common sense is one of them, We can look at an event and what the reactions are to it, and recognize the nonsense for what it is.  Additionally, we have the common goal of being able to take care of ourselves as we grow older.

So when you hear one of our audios, you are hearing us pretty much as we really talk to one another. I'll try to get better at it as we continue.

Turn your back and this is what you get. The chickens, that Barb was so worried about in a thunder storm, are fine and in the time it took to drive 16 miles she's taken over my blog. Truth be told I am glad she contributed. Anyway you can click the link to check out our latest.Conformity or Common Sense

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